So just about the end of another year and the final Time Of The Month mix of 2010 , first Thank You to all of you who have downloaded mixes , 2010 was another giant step forward for me & vwat.
December's mix is as normally an extended mix and this year is no different , there is generally never a concept to the mixes other then tracks mix together ( well to me they do ) but this year i got to thinking about Christmas and the end of 2010.
A penny dropped in my small brain that Christmas has always meant music to me , Santa always left me L.P's which i played over and over and over from the age of 3.
Then as i got older , there was the sneak around to some friend's house after the adult's passed out after dinner , then the gathered friend's would bail into the back room.
Booze & ciggies be pulled out and the evening would be spent talking about stuff i have long forgotten but i still remember clearly the music playing from each of those years.
My first job was in a record shop and it started a whole 6 weeks before Christmas ( record shops now sadly see very little boost in sales as it seems music is no longer a gift , i have written to Santa via his Blackberry about this............... explaining this is not how i remember it been............still no answer but he's busy around this time of the year )
Further along the road Christmas meant all night parties , we where raving our t_t's off , now friends had there own places , most of this is a complete blur but i still remember the music that formed those parties as if it was yesterday , the raving selections , the morning after wine and sparkie's chill sessions.
As silly as it sounds i would like to dedicate this months audio to all them friends who i have lost touch with , moved away , left us way too early or just got lost.
To friends past , present & future .
Love & bullets.